The Story so far There was once a small loser called Bill, he was from the Gates family, He was a pervert in his kind, but liked to drink whine, In the overall though, he wasn't an Amiga fool, But I was just kidding you see, please let him be .. Bill was stupid in his creation, yet pleasing in his dillusions, He ruled the world and made lotsa money ! But don't be silly he wasn't funny !!! The Gates took him on a picknick one day, he stole the drinks, He hid behind a tree and fell for a jinx ! he was a heavy drinker you know, if he'd drink too much he couldn't go.. TO THE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Hey ! He's got the computer world under one hand, and bucks under his other! Nah, I lie too much, he had non of this nor of that, just slept all day ... and only woke up to smell the booooooooooooooooooooooooze ..... Sure he was a lamer and all, but I wouldn't blame his faults . It's the name that counts and not the blame.... Yeah, cauze when you say `Bill Gates' they'd chug you away down the draips! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a small sampler of what I got when my friends tried the door out, notice the phun when you have a BILL GATES fan on your board ! - Xpose